Why you should NOT skip mobility
Muscle & joint activation
Decreased chances of injury
Improved range of motion
Get in your workout flow!!
These are just some of the exercises i like to do to prepare my body (and my knees) for leg days!!
Leg swings - 10x per leg
Hip rotations - 5x in, 5x out, per leg
Dynamic glute stretch - 3-5x per leg
Hamstrings activation - 10x per leg, alternating
Hip openers - 3-5x per side
Spine mobility - 3-5x per side
Quads & knees light activation - 5x per leg
Assisted pistol squats - 5-10x per leg
I’ll also always do 2-3 warm up sets on my first exercise, increasing the weight each time until my working sets.
By Léa Métivier (@leamfit_)