July 24, 2024

Your Official Creatine Guide

What is creatine? How does it work? Is it suitable for me? What are the benefits?

In this article, we cover all of your questions about creatine, and more. Consider this your Official Creatine Guide.

By Limitless Pharma

Your Official Creatine Guide


Consider this your official Creatine Guide. We created this article for you to find everything you need to know about creatine : what it is, how it works, who it's for, and what its benefits are. 


What is creatine?

Creatine is a compound that is naturally stored in muscle cells and used to generate energy. In fact, creatine is made out of 3 amino acids (arginine, glycine, and methionine), which are the building blocks of protein. 

Creatine can be found in food such as red meat, poultry and fish, or it can be taken as a supplement. It is even naturally created in the human body!


How does creatine work?

Creatine shares many similarities with amino acids, which consist in the base of protein. The human body can naturally produce it from glycine and arginine.

Creatine helps your body produce energy by regenerating ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), which is your body's energy source. When executing an effort, ATP transorms in ADP (adenosine di-phosphate) by hydrolyzing a phosphate group. What creatine does here is donate its phosphate to ADP in order for it to convert back into ATP, which allows you to perform better for longer!


Who is creatine beneficial for?

If you don't have a specific condition or are not on any specialized medication, the answer is pretty simple : creatine is beneficial to EVERYONE!

In fact, as humans, our bodies naturally create creatine. However, the amount we create / can get from food is far from being optimal. Therefore, taking a creatine supplement is suitable for pretty much anyone.

Here are some people to which supplementing creatine might specifically be relevant :
  • Athletes & gym goers : creatine is used to create energy, and aids in better recovery.
  • Older adults : creatine benefits adults with sarcopenia (the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with age). 
  • Women & post-menoposal women : creatine has been shown to be beneficial for women's hormonal health as well as for the body composition of post-menoposal women, who are more at risk of losing bone density.
  • Vegetarians & vegans : since they don't eat meat, which is the main natural dietary source of creatine, a supplement is pertinent.


What are the benefits of taking creatine?

If you're not yet convinced, here are some more reasons why taking creatine is a very useful tool.

  • Enhances strength and aids in muscle gain. Creatine is used to produce energy, which helps you perform better in sports or in the gym, leading to greater muscle gain ;
  • Aids in recovery and improves performance. Creatine also helps reduce muscle soreness ; 
  • Improves brain fuction and short-term memory ;
  • Improves intelligence ;
  • Supports heart health and helps lower blood sugar levels ;
  • Is one of the cheapest, safest, most effective and most popular supplements ;
  • Many other benefits.



To conclude this simple guide, we think it is important to mention, once again, that creatine is one of the safest and most researched natural supplements on the market. 

In order to make the use of creatine even more enjoyable, we created our CREATINE GUMMIES (vegan formula). You have no reason not to give them a go!